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Mar2ndx's Tech Blog


[Java OOP] Upcasting, Downcasting and Object Slicing

Oct 29 · 1 min


[Question] Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters

May 22 · 2 min

[Question] Quick Sort

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] Max Binary Gap

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] Implement Stack using Two Queues

May 22 · 2 min

[LeetCode Plus] Convert BST to Circular DLL

May 22 · 2 min

[Java OOP] Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers in Java

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] Find 10001st Prime (Sieve of E)

May 22 · 1 min

[Fundamental] Quickselect

May 22 · 2 min

[Question] Reconstruct Tree From Pre-Order Traversal

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] Check If Number Exists

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] Construct a BST from Preorder Traversal

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] Inorder Successor in Binary Search Tree

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] Arranging Sequence

May 22 · 2 min

[Question] Max Sum In A 2D Array (sub-matrix)

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] Shuffle An Array (Fisher–Yates)

May 22 · 2 min

[Google] Print string comparison order

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Replace Question Mark With Number

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] Print Numbers containing 5

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] Add Integers without +/++

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] Decimal to Hexadecimal

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] Max Sum Of Non-Consecutive Elements

May 22 · 1 min

[Java OOP] Thread pool pattern

May 22 · 4 min

[CC150v4] 9.7 Circus Tower Routine

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] Greatest Common Divisor

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Product All 1s

May 22 · 1 min

[Facebook] Task Scheduling Question

May 22 · 3 min

[Question] Count Level in Perfect Binary Tree

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] Count Set Bit in Binary Number

May 22 · 1 min

[Twitter] Count Visible Nodes in Binary Tree

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] Duplicate Rows in Matrix

May 22 · 2 min

[Facebook] Hamming Distance of Array

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Array Distance A(i)+A(j)+(j-i)

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Weird Sort Array

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Form a Palindrome with Insertion

May 22 · 2 min

[CC150v4] 14.6 Java HashMap Counter

May 22 · 1 min

[CC150v4] 14.5 Java Reflection

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Winner of tic-tac-toe

May 22 · 2 min

[CC150v4] 19.6 Convert Integer to English

May 22 · 1 min

[CC150v4] 19.4 Get Max Number without Comparator

May 22 · 1 min

[CC150v4] 20.4 Count 2s in Digits

May 22 · 1 min

[CC150v4] 20.3 Generate M int from Array of Size N

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Length of Longest Arithmetic Progression (LLAP)

May 22 · 2 min

[Google] Arithmetic Progression Triplet

May 22 · 1 min

[CC150v5] 3.0 Example - Implement Stack

May 22 · 1 min

[CC150v5] 2.7 Linked List Palindrome

May 22 · 1 min

[CC150v5] 3.2 Stack Min Value

May 22 · 1 min

[CC150v5] 5.1 Binary Merge 2 Numbers

May 22 · 1 min

[CC150v5] 5.5 Calculate Bits Conversion Required

May 22 · 1 min

[CC150v5] 9.3 Find Magic Index

May 22 · 2 min

[CC150v5] 9.7 Paint Fill in Map

May 22 · 3 min

[CC150v5] 9.11 Parenthesize the Expression

May 22 · 2 min

[CC150v5] 9.10 Stack up the Boxes

May 22 · 1 min

[CC150v5] 14.6 Implement CircularArray in Java

May 22 · 2 min

[CC150v5] 17.6 Order an Array by Sorting Middle

May 22 · 1 min

[CC150v5] 17.13 Convert BST to DLL

May 22 · 2 min

[CC150v5] 17.14 Optimal Way to Unconcatenate Doc

May 22 · 1 min

[CC150v5] 18.7 Longest Word Made From Other Words

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] Interleave Positive and Negative Numbers

May 22 · 2 min

[Facebook] Print a Binary Tree in Vertical Order

May 22 · 1 min

[Facebook] Binary Search Tree 3Sum

May 22 · 2 min

[Facebook] Maximum sum such that no two elements are adjacent

May 22 · 1 min

[Facebook] Write a Json prettifier

May 22 · 3 min

[Question] Longest Common Substring

May 22 · 1 min

[Facebook] Scheduling Jobs with Max Cost

May 22 · 2 min

[Google] Form a Queue Given Heights

May 22 · 2 min

[Google] Reverse a Stack without DS

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] All distinct subsequences with given length

May 22 · 2 min

[LinkedIn] Find all repeating substring with given length

May 22 · 1 min

[Amazon] Longest Repeating Substring

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Crazy Distance Between Strings

May 22 · 3 min

[Question] Number of distinct sub-sequence

May 22 · 2 min

[Java OOP] BlockingQueue and Thread Pool

May 22 · 1 min

[Java OOP] Java BlockingQueue (1)

May 22 · 5 min

[Java OOP] Java BlockingQueue (2)

May 22 · 2 min

[Amazon] Lexicographic rank of a string

May 22 · 1 min

[Question] Maximum square sub-matrix with all 1s

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Lexicographic order (letter replacement) of dictionary

May 22 · 3 min

[Google] Top n values from Sum of 2 arrays

May 22 · 1 min

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