
Mar2ndx's Tech Blog


[Google] Special increasing adjacent sequence

Oct 29 · 1 min

[Google] Postorder successor in Binary Tree

Oct 29 · 1 min

[Google] Generate Request ID

Oct 29 · 2 min

[Google] First Unique URL

Oct 29 · 1 min

[Google] Transform a unbalanced tree into balanced tree

Oct 29 · 1 min

[Google] Check all numbers given the decimal scale

Oct 29 · 1 min

[Google] Make a Java method thread-safe

Oct 29 · 1 min


[Google] Print string comparison order

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Design Solar System (`)

May 22 · 2 min

[Google] Three Keys Data Structure

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Find Nearest Point in a 2D Space

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Find Occurance Greater Than Index

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Traveller Path Problem

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Replace Question Mark With Number

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Write a Random Number Generator

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Connect Graph Nodes and Avoid Intersect

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Million Phone Numbers

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Count Complete Binary Tree

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Alphabet Table (`)

May 22 · 2 min

[Google] Product All 1s

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Orthogonal Traverse the Map (`)

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Google API read4096 (read4K)

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Google Pre-interview Coaching

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Boggle Solver (search words from matrix)

May 22 · 5 min

[Google] Crosswod Solver

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Array Distance A(i)+A(j)+(j-i)

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Find Anagrams in Dictionary

May 22 · 2 min

[Google] String Replacement Question

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Weird Sort Array

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Find Second Shortest Path

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Unsolved Mystery of UTF8 Encoding

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Form a Palindrome with Insertion

May 22 · 2 min

[Google] Winner of tic-tac-toe

May 22 · 2 min

[Google] Length of Longest Arithmetic Progression (LLAP)

May 22 · 2 min

[Google] Arithmetic Progression Triplet

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Barrier, Goods Van and Distance

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Guess Password

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Code a HashMap

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Number of distinct substrings

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Form a Queue Given Heights

May 22 · 2 min

[Google] Maximum Count Array in a Queue

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Reverse a Stack without DS

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Diameter of a Binary Tree

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Check if repeating subsequence exists

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Crazy Distance Between Strings

May 22 · 3 min

[Google] Lexicographic order (letter replacement) of dictionary

May 22 · 3 min

[Google] Top n values from Sum of 2 arrays

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Collatz Conjecture (Oneness property)

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Data Structure of Insert, Remove, GetRandom

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Number of subtrees with even nodes

May 22 · 3 min

[Google] Snakes and ladders

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Implement a Blocking Queue

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Multi-server Messaging System

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Set Cover Problem

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Continental divider

May 22 · 2 min

[Google] Max prodcut of strings that have no common char

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] BST find ceiling

May 22 · 4 min

[Google] Transform a unbalanced tree into balanced tree

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Array Signature

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Heap and BST conversion

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Number of slices

May 22 · 2 min

[Google] Minimum adjustments

May 22 · 1 min

[Google] Shortest Manhattan Distance

May 22 · 1 min

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